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A Thanksgiving Facets of Life

Authored By DePaula Jewelers

A Thanksgiving Facets of Life By Hal Rubenstein

Blog post originally from


It’s been a somewhat off-kilter and often bumpy year for everyone. You know you’re not alone because you can sense the tonal difference in when you watch the news, go onto social media, and often sense with those around you at times. People are nervous, on edge, however valid, on circumstances beyond their scope and control.

This year, resist distraction and zero in on those who really matter, who lift your life up, whose very presence, upon entering a room lifts your mood and the corners of your mouth without anyone having to say a word.

And suddenly it’s holiday time. Here we are: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, New Year’s. Came a bit too quickly, didn’t it? In fact, maybe you’re not feeling quite ready. You’re not alone. But you really have to get into the spirit right now and I’ll tell you why. Thanksgiving, the start of the holiday season, is the perfect time to focus on the situations and people in your life that you can directly affect by your choices and your actions, and right now you owe them and yourself the opportunity to feel better.

You can start by giving thanks. Well, or course, it’s Thanksgiving you say, isn’t that obvious. Well, yes and no, because the true doctrine of the day now has to share prominence with a major cooking feast, football and binge watching marathons, multiple parades and trying to avoid the inevitable family feud over politics.

You can avoid this. This year, resist distraction and zero in on those who really matter, who lift your life up, whose very presence, upon entering a room lifts your mood and the corners of your mouth without anyone having to say a word. It’s because of them that you work so hard, and why you can’t wait to come home at night. You brighten when you see they’ve sent a text, A hug from one of them makes everything better. Those you cherish can change you, and you can change them.

Give thanks that they are in your life by thanking them one-by-one. And not just on Thanksgiving but often, maybe even daily.

It used to be common for families to go around the table to give reasons for being thankful. Less people do that now, because it's an achievement just to get your guests to put down their phones and pickup the silverware. It is a nice gesture, though, but actually, I’m not urging the revival of thank you's proclaimed to the masses.

At Gabriel, we believe in the magic and power of intimacy.  Because we do, what matters most, is to tell those special people whom you love and care for and seek for a much needed sense of calm, how essential they are to your happiness. Give thanks that they are in your life by thanking them one-by-one. And not just on Thanksgiving but often, maybe even daily.  For when you do, you will have a roster of the blessings you should be delighted to count with every sunrise.


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