Knowledge Center — nixon star wars

Featured Nixon Star Wars Watch: The Executioner StormTrooper

Featured Nixon Star Wars Watch: The Executioner StormTrooper

The force has always been with us here at DePaulas, and we can't help but share our excitement with the new Nixon Executioner Star Wars watch. The Executioner Trooper is featured in the latest Star Wars installment: The Last Jedi. A storm trooper with patches of black on his helmet and shoulders, he reminds us of a deadly Dalmatian - or orca. He's aptly named the executioner, as he's in charge of getting rid of traitors and all those insubordinate to the First Order. The Executioner Trooper's helmet looks like this:   The Nixon Executioner Trooper watch looks like this: I know,...

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Star Wars Episode VIII Last Jedi Trailer Released

Star Wars Episode VIII Last Jedi Trailer Released

Star Wars Fans Rejoice. It is finally here, the new trailer for Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Let's get right to it--here's the trailer:     Pictured above is the Han Solo Star Wars Nixon Watch.  Click the watch to check out the Star Wars Nixon Collection.

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